Archivi del mese: agosto 2009

la storia

Chi non crede nella storia si preclude il diritto di criticare. Virgilio Ilari

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Dedicated to Latvia

Horizon – this giant divider – spreads everywhere, it surrounds you and you are always in its centre, wherever you are. While moving, you move the centre. Such notions as "periphery", "province", "marginal" lose their sense with it. Yelena Vorobyeva

Pubblicato in promemoria, trips and travels | Lascia un commento

faith in beauty

Can one be so blind not to lose faith in someone else who has been failing even the easiest goals in the last 12 months, week after week? (Yes) How can one do so? (Don’t know) (I wish someone could … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in loud thinking, sport...y hotties | Contrassegnato , , , , | Lascia un commento